In desperate times desperate people head here – an online journal of Apocalyptic-themed fiction and commentary.

Armageddon Buffet

About Crying FOX

It’s a parable, and like most parables, it’s timeless. But it differs from Aesop’s parable about the boy who cried wolf in one crucial way: Nobody tries to kill the FOX.

Of course, there’s the whole thing about lies and lying liars, but we’ve been rewarding liars for years, so that’s not new.

Russian Science Fiction, Revisited

Armageddon Buffet loves Soviet-era science fiction. It’s so dark, so dreary, so Armageddon-like. Like much of Western science fiction of the era, the Strugatsky brothers captured the “doomsday” spirit of the End Times with their fiction, and even anticipated Chernobyl.

Here’s one Strugatsky story our editor published: A Beetle in an Anthill.

And our editor, Stephen Potts, wrote the book about the Strugatsky brothers!

It’s the Stupid Economy

Wall Street sign on Wall Street

Wall Street sign on Wall Street (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s been four years since the last economic dominos fell, and the Dow has just barely returned to pre-collapse levels – though since Congress or Wall Street never enacted reforms to prevent a re-occurrence we are guaranteed a repeat of the bust-and-boom times. This editorial, written in 2008, analyzed what happened and why. Think of it when you vote for the next set of Insane Clowns.

Wonder Woman, Hungry

Last night we met the chunky Betty (Mad Men); today we have a plump Wonder Woman to contend with as Armageddon Buffet reprints Alan Wade’s funny story.

Operation Rupture

This is one of the rare editorials not written by Editor Stephen Potts. Instead it’s written by Noam Daguerre – the better to  ensure he won’t be fired for writing it!

Back on the Home Front

Back on the Home Front

As one of our favorite chroniclers of the Apocalypse, Juventino Manzano never fails to impress. In this story, “Back on the Home Front,” we meet two warriors – Mad Masturbator and Slave Trader – who for some reason remind us of the Horsemen.

Faith-Based vs. Reality-Based America

~ Bailout ~ Bubbles ~ Burst ~

~ Bailout ~ Bubbles ~ Burst ~ (Photo credit: eyewash)

In 2012, the battlegrounds are ending contraception, killing skittles-wielding teens, starting a War in Iran, and preventing gay marriage. In 2004 they were electing conservative judges, maintaining our “bubble” economy, ignoring our quagmire in Iraq, and keeping “gay” criminal. Proudly declared by then-President George W. Bush, the war between “Faith-Based vs. Reality-Based America” is still being waged with new generals and the same-old “troops we have.” Already it’s lasted longer the Civil War I. Which side will win?

Lola and Jean

In 2008, Tyrone Nagai published an exciting story which aligns two events – the film Run Lola Run and the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes. Given today’s pairing of The Hunger Games and Trayvon Martin, it seems appropriate to reprint his story here.

Revolution Post-Mill

Revolution Post-Mill

As a companion piece for the editorial I posted earlier today, I’ve added Harold Jaffe’s Revolutionary Post-Mill, a docufiction which takes as its starting point the May 1968 Paris uprising.

Jaffe is a frequent contributor to Armageddon Buffet -as a guest editorialist and a fiction writer. He is Professor of English at San Diego State University, editor of Fiction International, and author of such extraordinary books as OD and Terror-Dot-Gov, among others.

You Say You Want a Revolution

Deutsch: Alice in Wonderland - Mad Tea Party (...

Deutsch: Alice in Wonderland - Mad Tea Party (bekannte, lange schon freie Illustration von Sir John Tenniel aus der Erstausgabe) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We will convert our Armageddon Buffet website to WordPress. This is the first of the editorials we are adding here (in Pages). It was written in March 2010, when Cassandra-in-Chief Stephen W. Potts first saw the pending “revolution” of the Mad Tea Party. His observations are still relevant, particularly when you observe the destruction that resulted from their victories in the 2010 mid-term election. Moral: Don’t take any election for granted. Or – a bad idea has a very long shelf-life!